Monday, August 27, 2012

Next Immunity Theme & a Winner

Good Morning, Islanders!!! We had an amazing voting turnout again! 49 total votes and our winner had 26 of them!!! So congrats to...

I will contact you about your winnings!!!
Now onto our next Immunity Challenge! Remember it is up to you if you choose to compete for Immunity! This project will be due Friday August 31 by 11:59 pm EST!
For this project MAKE SURE you READ the details! Last week we had 4 submit a project and in all honesty only 1 turned in the correct project! As the other 3 came in late, it was the first time it had happened, and I didn't have the heart to tell you they were unacceptable! All very great projects but not what was asked! So if you turn in a project (no matter when you turn it in) if it's not what was asked then I WILL NOT post it! So PLEASE make sure you READ everything!
On to the project...For this week's Immunity I want to see an ALTERED ITEM (meaning no cards, no layouts, no tags!) Take something and turn it into something else! Oh and while you're at it... You can only use the following colors...Different shades are fine...but no other color! I want these Altered Items to only be WHITE, BLACK & RED!!! No they do NOT have to be Island Themed! Whatever you want to make...but ONLY those 3 colors are allowed!!!
Good Luck and I can't wait to see what you make!!
Until then...
hugs from the Island ♥

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Big Challenge #3 Projects Revealed!!!

Good morning, Islanders! Here was my morning view today..
Yup...Down to 7! Dropping like flies around here. So yet again no tribal council. Good news for my 7 faithful! One step closer to all those prizes! However we will still have a vote! One the top right will be 2 polls. Each picture has a number above it. This corresponds with the number you need to choose on the poll! You will be voting on which project is your favorite! The lucky winner will get a little something crafty from me! You have from now until Sunday August 26 at 11:59 pm EST to vote! Please only vote on one poll or the other and only vote once!!

Yet again they all did an awesome job!!! Don't forget to vote for your favorite and only vote once please!!!
I'll announce the winner on Monday as well as the next Immunity Challenge!!!
Until then
Hugs from the Island ♥

Friday, August 24, 2012

Big Challenge Theme #4: Season 1

Good Morning y'all! I hope you've been enjoying your stay here on the Island! Summer is slowing winding down and the kiddos are headed back to school soon! And by soon I mean next week! YIKES!!
So obviously we went school supply shopping and here's what was on our list....

Folders, Notebooks, markers, paint, glue, crayons, scissors, pencils, a pencil case, kleenex, ziplock bags, a sock (to clean dry erase boards) anti-bacterial wipes. Hey it's a Kindergarten list here ;) Soooo....for your challenge this is what you get to use! Feel free to add your own materials to make your project but I need to know what from the list you used and you MUST use 3 things!

See I told you it was going to get harder as the weeks went by! ;)
This project is due no later then Friday September 7, 2012 at 11:59 pm EST!

Can't wait to see what you guys create! PLEASE don't forget your Big Challenge Project for this week (2 elements from the Island picture) are due TONIGHT by 11:59 pm EST! I will post all the projects tomorrow morning and I'm still hoping we can have a vote this time around!!!

So until then....
Hugs from the Island ♥

Monday, August 20, 2012

Immunity Winner!!!!

Goooooood Morning, Islanders!!! What a fun Immunity challenge!!! We had a total of 56 votes and our winner had 25 of those votes! WOW!!! Love the turnout we had for this vote!! Without further ado our winner is....

Congrats #1 on winning Immunity! Now don't forget that you still need to make and turn in your BIG CHALLENGE on time!! All BIG CHALLENGE Projects are due this Friday August 24 by 11:59 pm EST! Hoping you all turn in a project so we can have a vote this week!

So until then....
Hugs from the Island ♥

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Immunity is UP for Grabs!!!

What a long busy week it's been on the Island! But looky what was returned to me by #2 this week!
That's right...The Totem is back up for grabs! And my hope beyond hope is to have everyone turn in a project this week so that the totem holder will be safe for real!

This week the "great 8" were asked to make some rainy day projects to share with you all! Out of the 8 4 decided they didn't want to leave their spot here on the Island up to fate...So here are the projects! Each one has a tag with a number on it! There is a poll in the right top corner of this blog to vote! Pick the number that corresponds to your choice! PLEASE ONLY VOTE ONCE!!!

Remember to click on the pictures to see them a little larger! :)

Good luck to you 4! Voting will go from now until 11:59 pm EST on Sunday August 19 and I will announce the winner on Monday!!

"Great 8" Don't forget your BIG CHALLENGE Projects are due to me by Friday August 24 at 11:59 pm EST!!!

Until then.....
Hugs from the Island ♥

Monday, August 13, 2012

Next Immunity Theme & a Winner

Good Mornin' everyone!!! I'm so happy to announce our winning project this week! After the vote our winner is...

Congrats #1!!!! I will be contacting you about your winnings! :)

Now on the next Immunity Challenge! Remember "Great 8" this will be due to me by this Friday August 17 by 11:59 pm EST! Fingers crossed it will actually "save" the winner this week!'s been rainy here on the Island these last few days. It's been nice as it's cooled things down a bit. So for your Immunity I would like to see some rainy day layouts! Think greys and blues...lightning...puddles..ducks...but remember... DO NOT ADD PHOTOS TO YOUR PROJECT!!! We don't want anyone guessing who's who! If there are pictures on the photo you send me I will not post it!!!

Good luck and thanks for playing!!! :)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Big Challenge #2 Projects Revealed!!!

Mornin' Islanders! Well I don't know about you but I'm experiencing what is commonly referred to as "DeJa Vu" or could it be "Groundhog's Day" syndrome... Take a look...
My "Terrific 10" very suddenly and without warning turned into the "Great 8"! I am so PROUD of my 8 and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't seriously bummed about my missing 2. But what's done is done and we move forward!!!!

The challenge this week was to use 4 of the following 6 colors: White, Brown, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Green! They could use varying shades of their 4 choices but NO other colors! I think they did an outstanding job again!!! I love these ladies! Not only did they do the challenge but they all did it with style!

Since we obviously will NOT be having Tribal Council *again* I've decided to do something a little different! I am going to put up a poll on the top right of the blog. Everyone can vote (BUT PLEASE ONLY VOTE ONCE!) until Sunday night at 11:59 pm EST. I want you to vote for your favorite! Whoever wins will get a little something crafty from me! The number on the poll will coorespond with the number on the photo of your choice! There will be 2 polls (since blogger polls NEVER work like they are supposed but ONLY vote on one poll or the other!)

Without further ado here they are...If you'd like to make them larger to get a good view just click on them! :)

Now remember: Vote ONLY once...Voting ends Sunday August 12 at 11:59 pm EST! If we have a tie my husband will pick the winner! Its fair as he doesn't pay a bit of attention to anything crafty I say. So he has no idea who is who...hehehe... Good Luck my Great 8!!! And thanks for playing!!!

I will post the winner on Monday morning!
Until then.....
hugs from the Island ♥

Friday, August 10, 2012

Big Challenge Theme #3: Season 1

Good Morning, Beach-goers!!! I'm back to announce the 3rd Big Challenge Project! My stranded crafters did such an amazing job with their Immunity Challenge this week! I'm so excited to see all their Big Challenge #2 projects - the 4 color project- (which are due by 11:59 pm EST tonight!!!!) I will be posting them tomorrow and as long as there are 10 we will be having tribal council and they will vote one crafter off the Island!

Well here it is...your next challenge! Take a look at the photo & pick 2 elements to use...Make whatever you'd like but I need to see 2 things on your project that were in this picture...And I know it's hard to make out but the white ball looking thing is a sand dollar! I can't wait to see what you crafty ladies come up with!!! :)

Good Luck and don't forget this Challenge is DUE AUGUST 24 by 11:59 pm EST!

Until tomorrow.....
Hugs from the Island ♥

Monday, August 6, 2012

And the reward goes to....

Well the Birthday girl has arrived and had a really tough time picking her favorite. Honestly we went back and forth between the pictures probably 100 times! She was so excited to see them all and absolutely LOVES each and every one so THANK YOU all that entered! But as it is for everything there can only be one winner...and the winner is...

CONGRATS Ellen"CardMonkey" Jarvis!!!!

Thanks again to all who played along!!! Don't forget to check back often! You never know when another "reward" challenge will be issued!!! :)

Until next time....
Hugs from the Island ♥

And the Totem goes to....

Good morning, Islanders!!! :)

Well I have some good news for one of my "Terrific 10"! The votes are in!!! I was so happy to see 56 votes this week!!! WHOO HOO!!!! It was very very close between a few but in the end there was one clear winner!!! And here it is....

So CONGRATS #2!!! :)

All of you did a FABULOUS job and I'm so glad I don't have to vote! I could never choose between you amazing crafters!!

Now don't forget that your BIG CHALLENGE Projects are due Friday Aug 10 by 11:59 pm EST! And #2 remember you still need to make a Big Challenge Project to remain safe! No project...No more torch!!!

I'm anxious to see what you all do!! :)

NOW for the Reward Challenge! Our Birthday Girl is currently back on the main land and won't be back on the Island until later on tonight! She still hasn't see the cards so that will be the first thing she does! As soon as I have her choice I will post the winner!!!

Again CONGRATS #2 and check back later for the Reward Winner!! :)

Until then...
Hugs from the Island ♥

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Who will get the Idol this week?

Good Morning, Islanders!!! Who is going to win this?

 The challenge this week was based around my oldest daughter's birthday! She will be 10 on Aug 7! My how the time has flown! So I challenged this group to make a birthday card appropriate for a 10 year old girl!!! I'm so very happy to be sharing with you 8 projects for this weeks Immunity Challenge!!! I really hope the winner will get to benefit from it this time around! So here's the deal! I will post the photos below. Each one has a number on it! Up on the top right corner of the blog is two polls. Click on the corresponding number on the poll to vote! PLEASE ONLY VOTE ONCE! The owner of the project with the MOST votes will win Immunity and as long as she makes a project this week can NOT be voted off!!! Voting will go from now until Sunday Aug 5 at 11:59 PM EST. At that time should there be a tie for the most votes my birthday girl will decide the winner! :) Everyone did an amazing job so I have a feeling its going to be a close vote!!! Here we go...

Crazy Amazing, right? Its going to be a tough one!!! Good Luck to you all!!!

Also don't forget about the REWARD CHALLENGE!!! Everyone can enter and it goes until Sunday Aug 5 at 11:59 pm EST. Click HERE to go to that post and for where to link!!! :)

So until Monday...
              Hugs from the Island ♥